Patrick Moura, born in Brasília-DF, currently residing in Rio do Sul-SC, represents the project entitled with his own name in the electronic scene. His feelings found in his songs come from the teachings of his father, who taught electronic music melodies since childhood. Taking care of the scenario with 4 years of luggage, his charisma, energy and excellent track reading, led him to be part of the Club P33 team in Rio do Sul - SC.
His refined musical perception is one of the points that most attract his audience in Brazil, where his sets tour the Tech House, making it more flexible to provide fun in its full essence. On the track, he accumulates performances at Matahari Music Stage, El Fortin, Danghai, Natural Forest Club, Baron Music Hall, DNA Club where he shared line ups with Vintage Culture, Gabe, Gustavo Motta, Bhaskar, Ownboss and others.